Taikyoku Shodan (First Cause, First Level)

Taikyoku Shodan (First Cause, First Level)

Taikyoku Shodan, often simply referred to as "kihon" is the first of the series, and involves only two basic moves: the gedan barai or low block, and chudan (middle) oi zuki(sometimes "oi tsuki"), or lunge punch. All stances, except at the beginning and end, are zenkutsu dachi (forward stance). There are 20 steps to this kata and you only turn inwards to the imbusen.

Taikyoku (First Cause)

Gichin "Shoto" Funakoshi Sensei named the set of three Taikyoku kata developed by his son Yoshitaka “Gigō” Funakoshi Sensei. In his book "Karate-do Kyohan" Funakoshi, he explains the development of the kata and why he named them Taikyoku, which translates as First Cause.


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