Basics movement

lock (Uke – pronounced “oo-kay”)

§  Age-uke (ah-geh-oo-kay): Upper block (Raising)
§  Shuto-uke (shoe-toe oo-kay): Knife-hand block
§  Uchi-uke (oo-chee oo-kay): Inside center block
§  Gedan-barai (Geh-dahn bah-rye): Down block
§  Soto-uke (so-toh oo-kay): Outside center block
§  Chudan-uke (Chew-dahn oo-kay): Middle level block
§  Jodan-uke (joe-dahn oo-kay): Upper level block
§  Gedan-uke (geh-dahn oo-kay): Lower level block
§  Hiza-uke (he-zah oo-kay): Knee block
§  Juji-uke (jew-gee oo-kay): X-block
§  Morote-uke (moe-row-the oo-kay): Augmented block
§  Nagashi-uke (nah-gah-she oo-kay) Sweeping block
§  Sashite-uke (sah-she-tay oo-kay): Rising hand block
§  Teishi-uke (tay-sho oo-kay): Palm-heel block

Punch (Zuki – pronounced “zoo-key”)
§  Age-zuki (ah-geh zoo-key): Rising punch
§  Awase-zuki (ah-wah-say zoo-key): U-punch
§  Choku-zuki (cho-koo zoo-key): Straight punch
§  Chudan-zuki (chew-dahn zoo-key): Middle area punch
§  Gyaku-zuki (gya-koo zoo-key): Reverse punch
§  Jodan-zuki (joe-dahn zoo-key): face level punch
§  Morote-zuki (moe-row-the- zoo-key): Double “U” punch
§  Oi-zuki (oh-ee zoo-key): Lunge punch
§  Tate-zuki (tah-the zoo-key): Vertical punch
§  Teisho-zuki (tay-show zoo-key): Palm-heel punch
§  Ura-zuki (oo-rah zoo-key): Close punch
Kick (Geri – pronounced “geh-rhee”)
§  Ashi-Barai (ah-she bah-rye): Foot sweep
§  Fumikomi (foo-me-koh-me): Stamping kick
§  Keage (key-ah-geh): Snap kick
§  Kekomi (kay-koh-me): Thrust kick
§  Mae-geri (mah-eh geh-rhee): Front kick
§  Mae-geri-kaege (mah-eh geh-rhee kay-ah-geh): Front snap kick
§  Mae-geri-kakomi (mah-eh geh-rhee kay-koh-me): Front thrust kick
§  Mae-tobi-geri (mah-eh toe-be geh-rhee): Jumping front kick
§  Mawashi-geri (mah-wha-she geh-rhee): Round kick
§  Ushiro-geri (oo-she row geh-rhee): Back kick
§  Yoko-geri-kaegi (yoh-koh geh-rhee key-ah-geh): Side snap kick
§  Yoko-geri-kekomi (yoh-koh geh-rhee key-ah-geh): Side thrust kick
Strike (Uchi – pronounced “oo-chee”)
§  Empi-uchi (en-pee oo-chee): Elbow strike
§  Haishu-uchi (hi-shoo oo-chee): Back hand strike
§  Haito-uchi (hi-toe oo-chee): Ridge-hand strike
§  Ippon-ken (eep-pone ken): One-knuckle fist
§  Nukite (noo-key-teh): Spear hand
§  Kentsui-uchi (ken-tsue-ee oo-chee): Hammer fist strike
§  Shuto-uchi (shoe-toe oo-chee): Knife hand strike
§  Teisho-uchi (tay-sho oo-chee): Palm hand strike
§  Uraken-uchi (oo-rah-ken oo-chee): Back fist strike
Stance (Dachi – pronounced “dah-chee”)
§  Fudo-dachi (foo-dough dah-chee) Rooted stance
§  Hachiji-dachi (hah-chee-gee dah-chee): Open leg stance
§  Hangetsu-dachi (hahn-geh-tsue dah-chee): Half-moon stance
§  Heiko-dachi (hay-koh dah-chee): Parallel stance
§  Kamae (kah-may): Sparring posture
§  Kiba-dachi (key-bah dah-chee): Side stance (horse stance)
§  Kokutsu-dachi (koe-koo-tsu dah-chee): Back stance
§  Kosa-dachi (koe-sah dah-chee): Crossed legged stance
§  Neko-ashi-dachi (neh-koh ah-she-dah-chee): Cat stance
§  Sanchin-dachi (san-chin dah-chee): Hour-glass stance
§  Shizentai (she-zen dah-chee): Natural position
§  Sochin-dachi (so-chin dah-chee): Diagonal straddle-leg stance
§  Teiji-dachi (the-gee dah-chee): T stance
§  Zenkutsu-dachi (zen-koo-tsue dah-chee): Front stance
§  Ichi (ih-chee): One
§  Ni (nee): Two
§  San (sahn): Three
§  Shi (she): Four
§  Go (go): Five
§  Roku (roo-koo): Six
§  Shichi (Shih-chee): Seven
§  Hachi (Hah-chee): Eight
§  Ku (koo): Nine
§  Ju (joo): Ten
General Terms
§  Budo (boo-doh): Martial way
§  Bunkai (bun-kye): Applications
§  Chudan (chew-dahn): Chest area
§  Dan (dahn): Black belt rank
§  Do (doh): Way/path
§  Dojo (doh-joh): Training area
§  Domo Arigato Gozai-mashita (doh-moh ah-ree-gah-toe go-zye-mah-she-tah) Thank you very much (past)
§  Gasshuku (gas-shoe-koo) Summer camp
§  Gedan (geh-dahn): Lower body area
§  Gi (ghee): Uniform
§  Gohan-kumite (goh-hon koo-mih-tay): Five step sparring
§  Hai (hi): Yes
§  Hajime (hah-zhim-ay): Begin
§  Hidari (he-dah-rhee): Left
§  Hombu-Dojo (hohm-boo doh-joh): Dojo headquarter
§  Ippon kumite (eep-pohn koo-me-teh): One step sparring
§  Jiyu ippon (jye-oo ih-pon): Free one step sparring
§  Jiyu-kumite (gee-you koo-me-teh): Free sparring
§  Jodan (joh-dahn): Face area
§  Kamae (kah-mah-eh): Sparring posture
§  Karate (kah-rah-teh): Empty hand
§  KarateKa (kah-rah-teh-kah): Karate student
§  Kata (kah-tah): Form
§  Ki (key): Mind, Spirit, Energy
§  Kiai (key-aye): Focusing shout
§  Kihon (key-hohn): Basic technique
§  Kihon kumite (key-hohn koo-me-teh): Basic sparring
§  Kime (key-may): Focus of power
§  Kumite (koo-me-teh): Sparring
§  Kyu (kyoo): White/Brown belt Rank
§  Mae (mah-eh): Front
§  Makiwara (mah-key-wha-rha): Punching board
§  Mawate-te (mah-wha-tay): Turn around
§  Migi (me-ghee): Right
§  Ohayo Gozaimasu (oh-ha-yoh go-zye-mah-soo): Good morning
§  Onegai-shimasu (oh-nih-guy-she-mah-soo): Please teach me
§  Osu (oh-soo): Greeting
§  Oyasumi nasai (oh-yah-soo-me nah-sigh): Good night
§  Rei (rey): Bow
§  Sanbon kumite (san-bohn koo-me-teh): Three step sparring
§  Seiza (say-zah): Sitting position
§  Sempai (sehm-pye): Senior student
§  Sensei (sehn-seh-ee): Instructor
§  Shizen-tai (she-zen tah-ee): Natural position
§  Tai sabaki (tye sah-bah-key): Body movement
§  Waza (wah-zah): Technique
§  Yame (yah-may): Stop
§  Yoi (yoy): Ready
§  Zanshin (zahn-shin): Following through technique


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